If I had a ten dollar bill for every person who told me that they didn’t feel as if they were worthy to be healed, I would be a wealthy woman. Many times, people are shocked when I tell them that their worthiness has nothing to do with it.

AuthorSherry Evans

That is when I had an “aha” moment! God spoke something interesting to me. He told me that many of His people are doing the minimum and keeping the gifts that He gave them in the “bank” only.

AuthorSherry Evans

Thinking like God. There was a time when that would have sounded pretty arrogant to me. Can we even do that?

AuthorSherry Evans

Fear of man can be sneaky, subtle. You may have fallen for it and not even realized it. It is a snare that keeps you “stuck.” It is time to escape!

AuthorSherry Evans

“Tell My people that I want them to come up higher,” I heard the Lord say. As He spoke to me, He showed me a key that would result in greater miracles.

AuthorSherry Evans

Quite unexpectedly today, while I was busy doing some tasks, I heard the Lord say, "Tell them that it is time to WAKE UP!"  There was an insistence in His tone that spoke of deep concern. His thoughts unfolded in my mind quickly.

AuthorSherry Evans

"That's not fair, God! You are asking me to do things that I can't do!" I remember clearly telling God that as I took a walk.  I was right....and at the same time, so very wrong.

AuthorSherry Evans

Most of us have been labeled in our lives. You know- the shy one, the loud one, the bossy one, etc.  Sometimes those labels become our identity.

AuthorSherry Evans

I was having a perfectly delightful day enjoying my time with the Lord and reading His Word when God interrupted me in a poignant way.  Without warning, I began to feel this intense grief fill me. I asked the Lord, "What is this?"

AuthorSherry Evans

Do you remember when your heart burned for God?  Nothing was too much for Him to ask of you. You were so in love. You longed to see the world know Him. You wanted to lay hands on everything that moved so that they could be healed. Then something happened.

AuthorSherry Evans

As I was learning to minister healing, I experienced many times of frustration. During one of those times, I spoke to a mentor about it..... again. 

AuthorSherry Evans

There was a time in my life in which I felt very guilty about wanting power. Of course, we should want intimacy with God, and of course, we should want good character, but POWER?

AuthorSherry Evans

This is the time of year when many prophetic words come out. How exciting they are!  BUT, what if we are missing the most important element?

AuthorSherry Evans

It was only a few weeks before Christmas, when a young woman from our church called me. She frantically said, "Would you please pray for my husband? When he was five years old, he was burned over 95% of his body. He is in so much pain."

AuthorSherry Evans

As I was watching a revival service online a few night ago, my spirit became  more and more stirred. The evangelist was ministering impartation, and the hunger inside of me to do the same was raging. Finally, I decided to do something about it.....

AuthorSherry Evans