

   If I had a ten dollar bill for every person who told me that they didn’t feel as if they were worthy to be healed, I would be a wealthy woman. Many times, people are shocked when I tell them that their worthiness has nothing to do with it.

   Many people forget that salvation is more than forgiveness of sin. The word “saved,” or “sozo,” also means “healing of our physical body and deliverance from our enemies.” Therefore, we can insert the word “healed” in Ephesians 2:8 like this, “For by grace you are HEALED.” Praise God!

   Healing is a gift. You didn’t earn forgiveness of sins, and you can’t earn healing for your body. With a gift, you simply receive with thanksgiving.

   However, many people grew up in a home in which they felt like they had to earn everything, including love. As an adult, these individuals will transfer that same mentality to their Father God. This is often called an “Orphan Spirit.” These precious people feel like orphans with no caring Father. They have little understanding of His grace. In fact, they relate to God more as a slave than a son. They feel as if they are only valuable to God for what they do, and as such, they struggle to receive because they perceive themselves as unworthy – never having done enough.

   While holding a healing service recently, I spoke about the orphan spirit. Afterwards, I asked those who felt as if they were dealing with an orphan spirit to raise their hands. Then, I commanded that orphan spirit to be broken.

   After the meeting, a man told me an amazing story. He explained that he had grown up in a military home, and he never felt as if he could be good enough for his father’s love. He did not realize that he had transferred that same doubt to Father God.

  When I asked those who felt as if they were orphans to raise their hands, he felt very embarrassed, but he wanted free, so he did as I asked. Then, as soon as I commanded the orphan spirit to be broken, he felt all of the pain that he had in his body melt away. It left his knee, his hip, and other parts of his body.  He was pain-free.   

As a parent, I love to give gifts to my children. I never expected them to work for their Christmas gifts. No, they were GIFTS. Neither do you need to earn healing or freedom. In fact, you cannot. For by GRACE you are healed, saved, and set free.

  Right now, take a moment and picture yourself standing before God. Then, look around you in this picture and notice that there are millions of others standing before the throne, as well. As you see them, you see that they all have white garments on. They have been justified by the blood of Jesus. Now, look at yourself. You also have white garments on. You, also, have been justified, forgiven, and totally accepted by God. Receive His free gift of healing. You are an orphan no more.

AuthorSherry Evans