This is the time of year when many prophetic words come out. How exciting they are!  BUT, what if we are missing the most important element? What if it isn't all about God's sovereign decisions. What if WE have a part to play?

What if there is a process before the "suddenly" of a word?

God does move in "suddenlies". The book of Acts has three incidences in which the word "suddenly" is used, but what about the process?


The Day of Pentecost


Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from on high. That sounded SO exciting! They would do it! Five hundred people heard Jesus speak that word, But only 120 of them were in the upper room when the Spirit fell!

Those that were in the upper room did these things: (Acts 1:14)

 1. They stayed in one mind. That is amazing because the disciples had a tendency to bicker among themselves. However, there was something higher than their petty arguments in the balance here. They needed POWER to do what they were called to do.

We need to put aside our differences and seek the one thing above all - the advancing of the kingdom of God! We need to choose to walk in the power of God and go do what He has called us to do.

2. They prayed in the promise. 

We need to pray in the things God has promised us. Of course, we don't have to pray in the things we ALREADY HAVE, but there are things that He has spoken to us about our future that we need to pray, command, and stand on in 2018.

3. They continued. There was a reason why only 120 were in that room. It took faith and persistence to inherit the promise of God.

4. They obeyed. They stayed right where Jesus told them to stay. What if they would have decided that they had a better idea?

We need to choose to obey the directions of our Father. His plans are GOOD. We need to choose to believe God and refuse to let go of His promises.


Paul's encounter with Jesus.


Paul did not play a part in this "suddenly", but others most likely did. The believers were in danger, and they knew it. They most surely were praying. I doubt they knew how God would answer, but they continued to pray.

We need to believe for radical encounters for those we know and love.


Paul and Silas's release from prison with an earthquake.


These guys were in prison for doing nothing but casting out a demon from a woman. They could have been complaining and whining, "God, it isn't fair. Why did you let this happen to us when all we were doing is serving You. Where are You, God?"

On top of that, they had been severely flogged. They were in great pain.

In spite of that, they were praying and singing hymns! AND they were not doing this quietly to not draw attention to themselves, They were praying and singing so loudly that everyone heard them!

The result was that the Lord sent an earthquake, all were freed, and the jailer and his family came to know Jesus.

If you want the breakthrough, continue to praise God through the process! Your breakthrough, along with Your evident trust in God will bring others to Jesus WITH YOU!


In this new year, be encouraged with the words, but continue in faith, prayer, praise, unity, and obedience. What you sow, you will reap! You have a part to play!

God bless

Sherry Evans





AuthorSherry Evans