

Has anyone accused you of being a "god" lately?

That happened to Paul and to Peter in the New Testament. You know why? Because they were walking in such great power. I don't know about you, but I want to walk in that level of power and healing. I'm not interested in being called a "god", but I am interested in seeing the desperate needs of people met.

The great news is that it is available to each one of us! That's great news, right? Well, it depends on how you process that information. We can either react with FRUSTRATION or we can react with EXPECTATION.

I love Ephesians 3:20. In the Amplified version, it says this: "Now to Him, Who (by the action of His power) that IS AT WORK WITHIN US, is able to (carry out His purpose and) do SUPER ABUNDANTLY, FAR OVER AND ABOVE ALL THAT WE DARE ASK OR THINK (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!"

Did you get that? He is working in you according to His power inside to bring us to the place where we walk in FAR MORE than we can even imagine or picture in our minds. His power is THAT GREAT!

You can walk in what you see in your heart. If you aren't yet, remember that God is at work within you to bring it to pass. Perhaps old mindsets need to be changed. Perhaps some soul issues need to be addressed. HE IS WORKING! We simply need to co-operate.

You have a choice when you know that you "aren't there yet." You can give into frustration or you can REJOICE with expectation of what God is doing inside of you! Be thankful! Rejoice! Co-operate by stepping out and renewing your mind with the Word.

Nehemiah's instructions still stand. When he read the law to the Israelites, they began to weep when they realized how they had failed. However, he objected and said, "NO, the joy of the Lord is your strength! Don't grieve. Rejoice." He wanted them to know that VICTORY WAS AHEAD BECAUSE THEY NOW KNEW THE TRUTH!

Victory ahead, my friend! Rejoice in what God is doing in you! If you see it, you can walk in it.


AuthorSherry Evans