Several weeks ago,  I was sitting on the floor praying for a woman at our Healing and Holy Spirit service when I smelled the distinctive aroma of pine trees. I was puzzled and moved a little closer to her to see if the aroma was on her clothing, but it wasn't. Finally, I said, "I smell pine trees!"

Several women sitting nearby said, "You, too? We thought it was just us." We have had many aromas in our services, but the pine tree aroma was new to us.

When I went home that night, I opened up a document by Kathie Walters concerning what different aromas could mean. What I found were the words, "A higher perspective. A heavenly perspective." I thought, Wow, that was cool. But, it was about to get better.

The next day, I posted this testimony on a group page consisting of those on the prayer team from our healing service. A woman added, "Well, that's interesting. During praise and worship, I had a vision of my feet on the ground, but my head and body stretching all the way up to the clouds. God said to me that we needed to have a higher or heavenly perspective!"

The Bible says that we are "seated with Him in heavenly places." (Ephesians 2:6) We are told that we are "citizens of heaven." (Philippians 3:20) We should and can have a heavenly perspective.

  • From our heavenly position and perspective, we know that NOTHING is impossible. NOTHING.
  • From our heavenly position and perspective, we know that the trials of earth are SMALL in comparison to the glory that we can live in.
  • From our heavenly position and perspective, heaven's concerns are our concerns. We share with Father God His concern for the lost, the sick, and the dying.
  • From our heavenly position and perspective, we know that we carry the authority of heaven with us everywhere we go.
  • From our heavenly position and perspective, we know that we walk in the same power source that Jesus walked in. We are filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.
  • From our heavenly position and perspective, we know that what Jesus was on earth is what we can be on earth. "As the Father sent ME, so send I you."

We are ambassadors from a different realm. Our feet may be on this earth, but our real self is seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We are the "portals" by which the glory, power, and life of God flows to a dark and needy world. We are one with Jesus Himself!

It is time to change our perspective, my friends!

Sherry Evans

For more encouraging words, see my book "Everyday Miracles" found on this website and on

AuthorSherry Evans